Sunday 22 April 2012

Botanic Ridge it is!

Well a couple of weeks have gone by and I just can't seem to shake Botanic Ridge from my mind... no matter where else we look I just can't find anything and have fallen for Botanic Ridge...!!!

So anyway... we went past the land and it's still available. Sooo, we put the deposit down today! Woohoo!  This means we are 'almost' official land owners.  It's subject to approval so here's hoping we are approved.

Wow this is moving too fast for my liking. I'm a little sick feeling because it's pretty much has doubled my budget for a home... I was seriously thinking to pay this much for a house AND land, not just land! :( We discussed this and slowly increased our budget over time... each time we found something we liked or realised the pricing for new home builds. This house hunting does your head in but we have decided that we are building for not only our enjoyment now, but for our future too.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Land Land and More Land..

I'm sooo glad we found the home first.  J.G King's - The Memphis is just too nice to pass.... Apparently people tend to buy land first, and then find out they can't build the home they want on it due to size restrictions... they have to compromise to get something that will fit.

Anyway, we've discovered that the majority of land around the area we want are all 14 meters x 30 meters???!!!  what the heck?? I can't even build the home I would like with that size...  Thankfully there were a few blocks here and there that are actually 16 Meters x 32 Meters... only issue is the price... so. much. money... especially for such a small piece of land.. this would leave us with 1 meter on each side of the house and a 3 meter backyard... very small and suffocating if you ask me.

The wife has suggested Botanic Ridge but my thoughts are it's too far out from where I want to live... She went and had a look anyway and then convinced me to take a look...

Lo and behold... Big blocks!! and I actually mean Big Blocks... unlike all these other estates shouting out "HUGE BLOCKS" and them only being 420m2 ... these actually are BIG!  The estate is lovely, especially the drive in though Settlers Run Estate.  Stage 17 in Botanic Ridge is to be released in a few months and it's up for sale now... minimum 1000m2 so we took a look.

There's a block there we found that we both really like. At least it can fit the Memphis (if we choose to go with that home), and will give us a nice big backyard for my pool... and outdoor entertaining area.. and shed... and garden... and veggie patch... and... well yeah I can't really afford any of these but I can dream.  Scary Price for the land though. A good $20,000 - $60,000 more (depending on location) then other estates in the area... well I suppose it is DOUBLE the size in land so maybe not that bad after all? Only time will tell but I've seen so much land I'm starting to get sick of it.