Sunday 17 November 2013

We have Lift Off!!!

What a nice surprise we got today. We went past the block, as we do every week, and lo and behold, we have movement!!

I know the site supivisor did say they wanted to start this week but I wasn't really expecting much because it's been raining quite a bit. Very happy and very surprised!

I'm guessing I'll be passing by more then once a week now to check out any progress. 


  1. G'day, I've been following your blog with interest for a while and glad to see things are moving along for you. I'm also building the Memphis with jg king. Only just did colour selection on the weekend. Keep the posts coming and good luck with it.

  2. Indeed Sandra! Thanks.

    Thanks vc213, It's great to hear you've been following the blog. I'm sure I'll be posting much more regularly now that things have started moving ahead!

    It would be great if you could keep me updated with how you go with your build. I am very interested to hear all about it as you go along. I really enjoyed our colour selection. It gave us a better Idea what things would look like inside (Although we did go very similar to the Display Home in Cranbourne). I believe you would have your Tile Appointment next. They are very helpful there!

    Hopefully these posts can give you a heads up with what to expect next as you begin your build. Good luck to your build too and thanks for your post. It's good to know that others building The Memphis are reading this too!

    Thanks again guys.
